Hearing Loss Association of America
Free Monthly Meeting
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Telephones and Alerting Devices
Denice Roberts and Joanne Stamp
Changes in technology for phones and alerting devices are constant. But one thing stays the same: these devices help people with hearing loss stay connected and keep them safe. Phones with amplification and captions are available for use in the home and with cell phones. Alerting devices let people with hearing loss know about their environment. The presenters will demonstrate various types of phones and equipment and attendees will have a firsthand experience using the equipment.
The program will be presented by Joanne Stamp, ALS Program Manager, and Denice Roberts, ALS Program Coordinator, from the Center for Independence. The Center for Independence has provided free looped meeting space, technical assistance, and ongoing support of the Chapter’s programs for the past seven years.
This is a change from the previously advertised meeting topic.
An induction hearing loop and captions will be available.
People of all ages and all types of hearing loss are welcome!
All meetings are free to members and non-members, including family and friends.
Refreshments will be served.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
10:30am – 12:30pm
Center for Independence
740 Gunnison Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Amy Becktell: [email protected]
Or 970-241-2592
For more information about Hearing Loss Association of America: www.hearingloss.org
For more information about the Center for Independence: www.cfigj.org
Thanks to a grant from the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, this meeting is captioned.
Go to: www.ccdhh.com for more information about the services this state agency provides.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR UPCOMING HLAA WCO MEETINGS! Meetings are the first Saturday of the month, 10:30 – 12:30 |
Upcoming Events – Mark your calendar so you don’t miss a thing!
After the May 6, 2017 meeting, we will take a break and resume the educational meetings in October 2017. We are planning to have a social meeting in September to talk about our summer activities at the HLAA1017 Convention, the Walk4Hearing, and our Outreach Project.
Colorado Walk4Hearing Sunday, Sunday, June 11, 2017
The Western Slopers Team is forming now. Let Amy Becktell know if you are planning to attend or if you want to make a donation. The funds raised from the walk help to support the outreach activities of our chapter, as well as support advocacy efforts at the national level. The walk will be held at Clement Park, in Littleton. For more information, or to sign up or make donations, please visit: www.walk4hearing.org, and search for the Colorado Walk.
For anyone who signs up to walk on the Western Slopers team, Amy Becktell pledges an additional $20.00 contribution! Walkers who raise $100 receive a t-shirt and walkers who raise $500 receive a backpack. Please support the Walk4Hearing!
HLAA2017 Convention in Salt Lake City!
The Convention for 2017 will be in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 22 – 25, 2017. Early registration has closed, but there are still options for signing up to attend. Don’t miss this opportunity for to attend a National Convention and a chance to see Amy Becktell play her ukulele!
Several people from western Colorado are attending. If you will be there, please let Amy Becktell know and we will arrange a special get together! On-line registration is at this link: http://www.hearingloss.org/content/registration.
April meeting summary
Many thanks to Lucas Marquardt, who joined us remotely from Denver. He gave an update on the grass roots campaign to work toward having insurance companies provide coverage for hearing aids. This is a multi-phase, and potentially multi-year project, due to its complexity and far-reaching impact. If you are interested in serving on the campaign, please contact Lucas via email: [email protected].
Thanks also to Jeremiah Hines, from AV Experts. He gave us an overview of various loop systems that work with hearing aids and cochlear implants that have the tele-coil activated. The loop systems can also work for people without hearing devices by using headsets. He gave us information about how induction loop systems are installed, and the importance of considering the installation early in a building or renovation project to get the best results.
We also discussed the various venues in western Colorado that have loop systems installed including the Avalon Theater, the Center for Independence, First Presbyterian Church, and the visitors center theater at the Colorado Monument. The Garfield County public library also has looped rooms at some of its branches. If you are aware of other sites, please contact us.
Grant Projects Update:
The projects for the grant from the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are underway. The first project is to provide captioning at our public meetings; this is on-going. If you have not experienced live captioning, please come to a meeting. If you are familiar with live captions, please bring a guest so they can view this communication access.
Another project is to create a website for the Chapter. Development of the website by Long Point Digital Development is underway. The website will have information about upcoming and past meetings, past newsletters, information and links to other helpful sites, and forms to sign up for membership. The domain name we selected is www.hearinglosswco.org. This site is not yet live and we will keep you posted as the work is performed.
We really need your help with the third project! This involves taking the three pieces of equipment we purchased out to the community to demonstrate how it works and how it can help the business or agency provide better communication access for its customers and clients. The demonstrations are an opportunity to advocate for HLAA and the chapter.
Please contact Amy if you are interested in the training classes and are willing to meet with a business, agency, or government entity. If you own or are part of a business or agency and want a demonstration, please contact Amy: 970-241-2592 or [email protected].
Please note: the Chapter is not selling any equipment or service; we simply want to make businesses and agencies aware of potential devices to help consumers and clients, as well as provide education about HLAA and our Chapter.
Many Thanks to Betty Rauh!
The Chapter Leaders wish to express appreciation to Betty Rauh for her years of service as a volunteer! Betty wanted to help the chapter and took on the responsibility of sending hand written notes to all new attendees. She also sends special letters and reminders about keeping membership up to date. These notes made new and long-time members feel welcomed and special. Thank you, Betty, for your service!
Betty has decided to “retire” from this duty and the Chapter is looking for a new volunteer. The duties involve writing a short note of welcome to all new attendees at our meetings. All materials are provided by the chapter. If you want to volunteer for this activity, please contact Amy Becktell or Denice Roberts. It is an important way to help the chapter!
Hearing Loss Conversation Kit from the National Office
As you are probably aware, bringing up the topic of hearing loss with a friend or loved one can be very difficult. In partnership with HLAA and the National Alliance for Caregiving, CaptionCall has developed a new Hearing Loss Conversation Kit to help people learn how to approach the subject with loved ones and where to start treatment. The kit can be downloaded here: https://captioncall.com/conversation-kit/
Do you have a program idea? Please let us know!
Some of our best program topics come from suggestions by our attendees. We are always looking for new speakers, so if you want to make a presentation, please contact Amy Becktell if you have an idea or request for a meeting topic.