Free Monthly Meeting
Mark your calendar to attend
Saturday, November 13, 2021
10:30 am – 12:00pm
Via ZOOM with CART

Please Register in advance for this meeting,
Click or copy the hyperlink into a browser

The link will take you to the meeting registration page. Enter your name and email, then click on Register. You will get an email with the link to the meeting. Be sure to save the email with the meeting link so you can log on at the time of the meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please join the meeting between 10:20 and 10:30.

At this month’s meeting we will discuss
Open Captions in Movie Theaters status

A statewide effort to encourage movie theaters to provide open captions has been underway for the past year.
We will provide an update on the status of the legislative bill and movie theaters that are now providing open captions.

Open captions are displayed on the screen and everyone in the theater can see the captions. You do not need any special equipment to see the captions.


Upcoming Western Colorado Chapter Meetings:
December 11th, Holiday In-Person Meeting, depending on Mesa County’s Health Guidelines at the time of the meeting.

January, February, or March 2022. We hope to begin meeting again in-person in April 2022.

The Western Colorado Chapter:
The Hearing Loss Association of America:
The Center for Independence:

One Membership Gives Benefits of Both HLAA National & Local Chapter News
As an HLAA member, you are part of an organization with a mission to provide information, education, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss. Through our advocacy work at the federal level, we represent 48 million people nationally with hearing loss in the United States – that includes you. Please choose Western Colorado Chapter to represent us at the state level.
Thank you!
To Become a Member/Renew
Click of copy the link into your browser

CLICK HERE to download Newsletter

Thank You,
Amy Becktell, Interim Temporary Leader
Hearing Loss Association of America – Western Colorado Chapter
[email protected]