Western Colorado Chapter Hearing Loss Association of America
Ninth Annual Holiday Covered Dish Meal!
Free Monthly Meeting
11:00 am – 12:30pm
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Come join us at our annual luncheon which has become a fun tradition to enjoy fellowship while sharing experiences and developing friendships.
This will be an opportunity get to know other people with hearing loss in an accepting environment.
Your family and friends are welcome!
We typically have about 15 people at our holiday luncheons.
This is a wonderful way to share and learn more about your own hearing loss as well as hearing stories from your fellow attendees.
Please bring a side dish according to your last name. If you have a favorite recipe, please bring it even if it does not match to your name!
You are welcome to attend even if you don’t bring a side dish!
A – H: Vegetable I – O: Dessert P – Z: Appetizer
The chapter will provide a ham and drinks.
Center for Independence 740 Gunnison Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501
For questions or further information contact: Amy Becktell: [email protected] Or 970-241-2592