MED-EL Cochlear Implant Products
Lyra Repplinger, Consumer Engagement Manager

Lyra Repplinger will discuss updates in candidacy and hearing technology including cochlear implants, electro acoustic system and bone conduction solutions.
She will also share listening strategies and resources for improved hearing experience and outcomes when talking on the phone,
in noisy environments, and listening to music.
Lyra has her masters in deaf and hard of hearing education and worked with young children with hearing loss
to promote auditory skill development and spoken language.
Prior to working for MED-EL, Lyra was the director of the cochlear implant program at the University of Chicago.
Captioning for this meeting is sponsored from a grant from the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
An induction hearing loop is available. Refreshments will be served.
People of all ages and all types of hearing loss are welcome!
All HLAA chapter meetings are free to members and non-members, including family and friends.
Meetings are held the first Saturday of the month, 10:30-12:30.

Saturday, November 3, 2018
10:30am – 12:30pm
Center for Independence
740 Gunnison Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501

For questions or further information contact:
Amy Becktell: [email protected] Or 970-241-2592
More about the Hearing Loss Association of America:
More about the Center for Independence:
More about MED-EL products: